It’s time to set yourself up for success with a kitchen makeover and tackle the fridge! The refrigerator is sometimes one of those storage tanks where we pack things in and then forget we bought something until it is spoiled or rotting in a bottom tray. We often find ourselves standing in front with the door open ready to grab something fast! Healthy items, like fresh produce, are placed into the depths of the fridge somewhere to hopefully make it into a recipe someday.
I love Chalene Johnson’s tips (from her book, Push) to put fruits and veggies in clear plastic containers (Glad containers) or bowls and to place them at eye level instead of in drawers. This makes them easy to access for easy snacking. If you’re a yogurt fan, place them near those fruits and veggies. Do the same for all healthy whole foods. Place them as best as you can at eye level and near the front of the shelf. That way your eyes are drawn to the good stuff. I know for me I will grab and eat raw broccoli with salsa for my munchy attack! Hard-boiled eggs are also a go-to source of protein. All ready to grab and go. I know Hillary often has these ready to go for her lunch. I also love adding them to my spinach salads!!
When it comes to stocking items you need to look for healthy alternatives to your favorites! Choosing sugar-free, low sodium, and fat-free items can make a difference. Just make sure they are free of high fructose corn syrup and other hidden sugars and anything partially hydrogenated. These include ketchup, mayo, mustard, dressings, etc.
Expiration dates are something I have been paying attention to more and more thanks to my wife educating me. Check out to find out how long to keep items and when to toss them!
I’ve recently downloaded an iPhone app called Fooducate after I read about it in Chalene’s book. This app let’s you scan the bar codes of foods. According to Fooducate’s web site:
Do you want your family to eat better food? Are you confused by ingredient lists, nutrition labels, health claims, and marketing hype?
Fooducate analyzes information found in each product’s nutrition panel, shows you highlights on the product and offers better alternatives.
You get to see the stuff manufacturers don’t want you to notice, such as:
- excessive sugar
- tricky trans fats
- additives and preservatives
- high fructose corn syrup
- controversial food colorings
- more…
Have fun redefining your fridge to keep it well stocked with healthy choices.
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