Check out Gavin’s awesome Les Mills COMBAT results!

This dude wasn’t really looking to lose weight. Hoping he could get Les Mills Combat results, Gavin though it looked like a fun program and he was interested in what it was all about. He had gotten the discs when he is gotten Les Mills PUMP. He tried to live work out at the beach body coach summit and was instantly hooked. Gavin found the COMBAT live workout to be something he could truly engage in as he had never tried anything like it before.
Les Mills Combat Results: Fast Twitch Integration Training

A little bit of background for you. Les Mills Combat results come when you combine moves from six martial arts disciplines, including karate, taekwondo, boxing, muay thai/kickboxing, capoeira, and jiu jitsu. The Les Mills Combat results: explosive sequences that burn massive calories and chisel lean muscles. You’ll be intensely working out your fast twitch muscle fibers, hence the name Fast Twitch Integration Training.
Now when Gavin first started his journey, he was out of shape, tired and had low energy. He was rather frustrated who had become. He did not like looking at photos of himself. Enter Les Mills Combat. In just 60 days, he totally shredded his body and chiseled his core. That’s what Combat can do!
Gavin says, “It’s like having a new life. I can participate in sports and activities and also help other people do what I have done. My friends and family are very positive, and they think I look great. They can tell my attitude and how I carry myself have changed.”
Get Shredded In 60 Days

Getting Les Mills COMBAT results consists of a 60-day program is geared to sculpt the body into a lean, mean fitness machine. You will punch, kick, block, and strike your way to an outrageously shredded body. That’s what Gavin loved most about this program. It was a wide variety of punching and kicking with all of the different forms of martial arts. He loved the weighted exercises too!
Gavin noted, “My cardio has increased so running is a lot better. I don’t get winded as easily.”
This program pretty much turned his life around. He looks great physically. It should be noted that Gavin supplemented his nutrition with Shakeology. No doubt that helped him boost his energy and crave healthy eating habits.
Les Mills COMBAT Results From A Challenge Group
Gavin got support and motivation throughout the workout program because he joined an online challenge group. A challenge group is a small group of people doing a similar workout program like, Les Mills Combat, or with similar health/fitness goals. I run monthly challenge groups and have found people losing anywhere from 10 to 50+ pounds as a results. So, it is understandable why Gavin got such amazing results.
Gavin ended up discovering a new passion to help others. He became a Beachbody Coach and now has a positive impact on other people lives. What a great way to influence people to embrace a healthy lifestyle.
Do You Want Les Mills COMBAT Results? It Is Right For You?
This is a good questions to ask yourself. It is one I have helped others with. Questions that I typically ask are:
- Do you enjoy working out to really motivating music?
- Are you looking to lose weight, get a strong core and lean muscle?
- Are you looking for a fun, engaging workout program?
- Are you looking for a total body transformation?
- Are you willing to work hard and sweat a lot?
- Will you commit to working out 6 days a week?
- Can you commit to 20-50 minute workouts?
If you answered “yes” to most of these questions, then you need to get Les Mills COMBAT. Combine it with Shakeology, like Gavin did and you will accelerate your results!

I will help you. I have done this program like Gavin did and also got great Les Mills Combat Results!
==> COMBAT Challenge Pack <==
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