Power Blast 345 http://www.putyourselffirst.com
Imagine what you can can do! What can you accomplish if you went for your dream lifestyle day by day for the next 3000 days?
I had a milestone moment! I just complted my 3000th workout logged into the online SuperGym on Team Beachbody. At this time I feel healthy and fit! The Compound Effect for fitness success is through the continuum of consistent, challenging, fun, and sometimes difficult daily workouts compounded over time. This creates a lifestyle of health, wellness and fitness.
Reaching your goals, no matter if they are health, fitness, business, blogging or wealth is achieved by the small, daily actions and choices you make. There isn’t a magic success formula, just needing to show up and do the work. Every big success is made up of little successes, each building on the previous and compounding over time.
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