I “want” to say I am middle-aged. I mean, I’d hate to think I am beyond that because I certainly don’t feel like it. You see, I hide my true age through plastic surgery and Photoshop (Just kidding. Photoshop does work wonders though! Look at magazine models!).
Actually, I learned to reverse the age thing by revamping the way I treat my body and changing the way I look at life. I am 45 years old and continue to improve as each decade passes. I’m proud of that.
It’s not easy to stay consistent at something, but treating yourself by taking good care of YOU is a must. An absolute must.
There are so many things working hard to keep us from making that happen. So, retooling your mind to decide who is in control is the first step. It’s easy for others and circumstances to seemingly make our decisions for us, but at what cost?
Now, I’m not going to get on my soap box and tell you to get off the “poor me” bandwagon. You know you can do the things to get yourself healthy and fit. And, if you’re subscribed to this newsletter, you know how. You’ve seen and read testimonies. You’ve seen the tools I’ve suggested and the nutritional products to get results!
Hard work? Yes! Just tell yourself “bring it on!” Because you know what? You are surrounded by tons of support and know it can be done one day at a time. Ignoring it and doing nothing should not be an option. I don’t believe people set goals to treat themselves poorly, but you know what? I think it happens when people don’t put themselves first. Ignoring what needs to be done is similar to consciously deciding not to take care of yourself. (I hear my car and house applauding that statement when they are in need of repairs. Noted!)
It took me almost 40 years to figure that out. I let things slide for way too long. I’m just fortunate that I got clued in and took action. Each day, every day, a little bit better. And now, I am proud to be middle-aged and feeling better than my high school days!
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