How To Overcome Fitness Struggles
When I lost my wife to a head on collision, I was faced with several challenges as my life suddenly went out of control. I hope you never have to face such a tragedy to overcome, but let’s face it, life throws us unexpected curveballs.
Health and Fitness is challenging. Life is challenging. You will struggle. You will face loss. You will face failures. You will face lack of motivation. Here is how to empower yourself when life throws you curveballs. Apply these to any struggles you face!
One thing I discovered that I want to share with you is:
When life is out of control, YOU need to take control!

To empower yourself ask some big questions:
- What is it that I want?
- What makes me happy?
- What makes me feel good?
- What would make me feel whole?
- Why do I want it?
- What will it enable me to do?
- What would make me feel like I was contributing to myself?
- What would make me feel like I was contributing to the world?
- What am I waiting for? Take Action and DO IT NOW!
Here is a video I made with some tips to empower yourself.
Get ready to be grateful and accept the curveballs life has throw at you. Begin your evolution Now. Be grateful for those wake up calls that changes the direction of your life. Look at failures, tragedies or losses as opportunities and lessons.
Harness the inspiration to change, educate yourself and empower things for your future
They will help you grow!
We all struggled at first when it comes to our health and fitness.
I know for me I felt like giving up Had no motivation. Went on a weekend eating binge and felt like “what’s the use! This doesn’t work.” But I continued to show up each day even though the scale wouldn’t budget. I stunk on doing the exercises. My clothing wasn’t fitting any better. I showed up every day in spite of those “perceived setbacks” because my desire to succeed was stronger that my fear of failure!
So, if you are wanting to overcome fitness struggles, you are in good company.
Results don’t happen over night. We want instant gratification, but need to be patient and trust the process. The compound effect of getting fitter and healthier. Add up the every day “going through the motions” and “doing your best” and you will be a force to be reckoned with! You will find yourself results.
Are You Ready To Take Control And Overcome Fitness Struggles?
Let’s do this! I will help you with a plan. Fill out the form below and I will review is right away!
Here’s To Your Health – It’s Never Too Late
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This is my transformation video
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Perry Tinsley
Skype: perrytinsley
Email: Perry@PutYourselfFirst.com
“I Help People Get Results With Their Health And Fitness Goals”
PS: Check out how to get lean abs and still have Pizza Night! My Free Video Series at AbsAreMade.com
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