I remember the day I wanted to get in shape and considered getting a gym membership. Thing was, I didn’t have a clue how to use the equipment and felt a bit uneasy asking for help. Also felt intimidated by others who knew what they were doing.
Years later I fell off the wagon, was even more out of shape and overwhelmed and that made me feel self conscious and anxious! I was older and had just twisted an ankle badly. So the fear of working out was powerful. I was also afraid of failing, so I avoided failure by not trying in the first place.
But I needed to do something!
Once I started exercising and just showing up one day at a time, it helped reduce my anxiety. I overcome my fears around exercise and became health and fitness coach. If I can do it, so can you!
Here are some tips for overcoming your fear of working out!
Also, be sure to check out the link to the video by Beachbody celebrity trainer, Tony Horton on this very subject.
TONY HORTON VIDEO on overcoming your fear of working out!
Beachbody On Demand: http://www.bod365.net
Morning Rituals – Free Cheatsheet: http://MyFitStart.com
Kitchen Makeover – Free Training: http://www.absaremade.com
Healthy Formula Assessment: http://myhealthyformula.com
Food Mindset Makeover: http://2Bplan.com
My Simple Kitchen Kit: https://kit.com/perrytinsley
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