As I look back on the years that I have had a Beachbody Coaching business, there always seems to be this BIG MOmentum that happens from September thru December. When the New Year hits, a big surging wave is caught and each year starts off with amazing energy for getting healthy and fit. As a result, the Beachbody Coaching business surges as well!
I want to help you catch the wave of the BIG MO and mentor you to build a continuously growing business. Imagine: this year’s Christmas (and all future Christmas) without financial pressures.
Get Coaching Details Here: http://bit.ly/coachdetails
ceddas Bloodfang
Thinking back what I done in 2011 I wouldn’t change a thing, because I am taking care of my mental health, I am learning opening up, I got into Dancing, and I also do kickboxing. I am learning to reconnect with society. I still have growing in my fitness and I still need to learn to deal with certain phobia but it will continue in 2012 as 2012 goes along I will keep on growing as a person and hopefully beachbody coaching comes in 2012 which I could sign up for!
Perry Tinsley
@ceddas21 I’m very impressed with all you have done. You should be quite proud! Looking forward to working this with you!