Special Guest, Milan Jensen, has lost 24 pounds doing 2B Mindset! She shares her experience about being a participant in the Coach Test Group for 2B Mindset and gives some great tips too!. This is a revolutionary video-based weight-loss program that will change your mindset about food, your body, and losing weight. It’s a simple and easy approach will have you focused on what you can eat so you feel full, satisfied, and in control without ever counting calories or points or measuring food. “You can lose weight happily,” says co-creator Ilana Muhlstein
LINKS MENTIONEDIlana Muhlstein, M.S., R.D.N.Instagram: @ilanamuhlsteinrd YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/IlanaProudPoser/ Beachbody On Demand: http://www.bod365.net
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