Oh, the lies we tell ourselves when it comes to getting healthy and fit! Some can be pretty sabotaging.
What lies (stories) to do you tell yourself when it comes to getting healthy and fit? You are may be holding yourself back from achieving great things!
In today’s podcast episode I share many of these lies. I also share a different perspective to help you shift your mindset if you have found yourself using any of these!
See if you can identify with any of the lies we tell ourselves when it comes to getting healthy and fit!
FAVORITE SMOOTHIE RECIPE 8oz Unsweetened Almond Milk 1 Scoop Vegan Vanilla Shakeology (for dense superfood nutrition) 1c Frozen Strawberries 1/2 Frozen Ripe Banana Blend to Perfection
LINKS TO CONSIDERMy Healthy Formula: http://myhealthyformula.com 2B Mindset: http://2Bplan.comBeachbody On Demand: http://www.bod365.net
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