So often people give many, many reasons why they can’t workout and be healthy. I have heard everything blamed from ailments to family to time. Hey, I hear ya! Life happens to all of us and can make taking care of ourselves a challenge. How would life be different if tomorrow you were in the condition and health you wanted to have for yourself? Hmmm. Why not take one step each day toward making life better? I bet if you dog in, you could find a way. You have to Do It For You! You won’t be without support!
So often people give many, many reasons why they can’t workout and be healthy. I have heard everything blamed from ailments to family to time. Hey, I hear ya! Life happens to all of us and can make taking care of ourselves a challenge. How would life be different if tomorrow you were in the condition and health you wanted to have for yourself? Hmmm. Why not take one step each day toward making life better? I bet if you dog in, you could find a way. You have to Do It For You! You won’t be without support!
Lori Jantzi