www.putyourselffirst.com | http://www.entrenadorconmigo.com/
Do you speak Spanish or know someone who does? Team Beachbody and it’s workout programs like P90X, Insanity, and Slim in Six are now available in Spanish. Ending the trend is obviously a global initiative with Team Beachbody!
Be sure to check out how to get a free copy of the book, Bring It! by Tony Horton. http://bit.ly/bringitoffer
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Charles Leslie
Wooooooot! Finally got a Podcast Shoutout!!!! I can check that off the bucket list now:) It’s going to be a fun journey!
Perry Tinsley
@Betterlife90 LOL! Way to make it in!! Let’s crush this! 🙂
They should also make it in French due o the large amour of French speaking nation expamle, France, switzerland, parts of south east Canada etc…
Perry Tinsley
@sportzfan9 Wouldn’t surprise me if that comes next!
I’m a Japanese national (currently living in the US) that is absolutely hooked on P90X! I wonder what Beachbody is doing to sell the P90X “lifestyle” in Japan (Japan is one of the extremely health conscious nation in the world. Tony Horton should seriously consider going and selling his awesome products in Japan!)