Do resistance band workouts really work? Will resistance band workouts get you results?
I get these questions a lot. Which should I get, resistance bands, free weights or Select Techs? My answer is usually, “Depends.” as each have their merits! For this article, I will focus on the great benefits of resistance bands because they just rock! Resistance band workouts will get you results.

What Can You Do In A Resistance Band Workout?
Resistance Bands (also called tubing) are great for strength training. Instead of using heavy dumbbells, you can get a great workout using resistance bands for a wide variety of exercises. They will help you tone and build muscle, gain strength, and even burn calories for losing weight.
These are the perfect option for a home gym on a budget. The do not take up any space, really and they pack up and travel well. More on that later!
Now, these babies don’t look like much. To be honest, when I got mine when I bought Power 90. I thought is was kind of goofy looking and felt a little weird using it. Not that it was hard to use. It was just that I was a “weights guy.” OK, actually I was just a fat guy who thought I was into weights. I actually did nothing, which is why I was fat.
Using these bands in your resistance band workouts are really effective and will humble you greatly. You use your feet to step on various parts of the band to create more or less tension, forcing the muscles to work harder. There are also a rainbow of colors of bands to choose from. Each color corresponds to an amount of resistance, so while it is is perfectly acceptable to have one band, I found it more beneficial to own a few different colors for different exercises.
You can work your shoulders with presses, biceps and triceps curls will work your arms. Stretching the band to your shoulder eight and performing lunges and squats will work your legs and glutes. You can even do kneeling crunches to work your abs. Add the door attachment and you can do rows and presses to work your lats and chest.

My Experience With Resistance Band Workouts
I have done a few at-home fitness programs that used resistance band workouts. I did Power 90 and P90X using mainly resistance bands. I got great results. I was at the beginning of my journey and didn’t want to invest in a lot of equipment until I saw results. Since that time I have done resistance band workouts using 10-Minute Trainer and also P90X2. All are incredible programs that have incredible exercises. I was a success story in both 2004 and 2007 and always challenge myself to improve. Resistance Bands are a nice option to mix things up!
Workout Programs
Here is a list of workout programs I have done using resistance bands. And with impressive results too!
10 Minute Trainer – Super Stacking Tony Horton’s Best Moves into 10-minute Workouts
T25 – Get an hour’s results in 25 minutes a day.
P90 – The On Switch To Fitness
P90X – Transform your body in just 90 days
P90X2 – Train off-balance to build the body of an athlete
These programs I integrated resistance bands but I mainly used dumbells
Body Beast – Get a lean and ripped physique in just in 90 days with these 11 revolutionary weight-training workouts
Hammer & Chisel – Sculpt a strong, chiseled body with this breakthrough body transformation system
P90X3 – Get ripped in 30 minutes a day
NOTE: All of these programs are included within Beachbody On Demand so you can stream them anywhere.
A Rainbow Of Colors For Your Resistance Band Workouts
When it comes to buying resistance bands, you get what you pay for. Don’t buy the cheapo ones that you may find at a discount store. They are inferior and won’t last.
The ones I get are the ones offered at TinsleyFitness.com. There are even door attachments you can get to add even more uses to your home gym. A door attachment comes with our Ten Minute Trainer program along with a resistance band.
Resistance Band Workouts: The Colors Of Bands
- Black: 50 lbs.
- Green: 40 lbs.
- Magenta: 20 lbs .
- Red: 30 lbs.
- Pink: 15 lbs.
Perfect for travel. While it is nice to think that wherever you travel you will have a gym accessible. Taking along one or two resistance bands puts a gym right in your room. Bring along a laptop and stream of one of our awesome fitness programs and you will have yourself a world-class workout wherever you go!
Enjoy your resistance band workouts and go get results!
Here’s To Your Health – It’s Never Too Late
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