Richard Neal lost 242 pounds with Power 90 and P90X! He found himself being obese for much of his life. He just saw that as part of his identity. He didn’t really put forth the effort to lose weight or improve his health as he really didn’t know what to do or how to do it. He would always joke about himself to others, but on the inside wanted a change. His wake up call was that he was only 25 and had to be on blood pressure medication. He wore 56” pants, 5X shirts and was over 400lbs.
Richard connected with his insurance agent, who happened to be a Beachbody Coach, and was doing Beachbody workout programs with great results. So, after attending a local Beachbody event, Richard decided to make some changes with exercise. He started with Power 90 because he had heard so many success stories. After 30 days he lost 45 lbs.and ended up losing 70 pounds at the end of 90 days. Eventually he moved into P90X. He modified a lot of the exercises but stuck with it.
In 13 months, Richard lost over 200 pounds! He lost 242 pounds to be exact! He says “it has to be one of the most amazing feelings I have ever felt before!” He is now off of all of his medications and is seeing lots of muscle definition! He is impressed with his ability to do push ups and pull ups! What’s super impressive is that he is combing extreme workouts together by doing a P90X & INSANITY hybrid.
Richard submitted his story to the Beachbody Challenge. This is a contest for celebrating results where there are monthly, quarterly and yearly cash prizes. Richard was voted the winner of $100,000 for his transformation and was recognized at the big celebration event at the Coach Summit in June of 2012.
What’s even more impressive is how Richard’s story has impacted a community.
Richard is from Tennessee. The video below shows how Richard Neal, is helping his community and state fight this trend of obesity and making people realize there is a way out.
But Richard can’t do it alone. And Tennessee isn’t the only state in danger. The obesity epidemic is just that – an epidemic – and Team Beachbody is the answer. But, we need to be diligent. We need to take this crisis seriously.
Richard started out by connecting with a coach. And I will be that coach for you! If you would like to help be a warrior for wellness and coach others, join our team!
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