Slow And Steady Wins The Race In Fitness
How often have we heard phrases like, “Slow and steady wins the race,” “just take baby steps,” or “one day at a time” or “do it in bite-sized chunks?” These word actually make sense and do work in many areas of life! So, why don’t we heed those words and apply it to things that will improve our health and quality of life?
I’m guessing the answer is that we live in a “Gotta Have It Now” society. We want results now, we want shipping over night, we want the web browser to load pages faster, we want it now, now, now! Speed has spoiled us.
Some things we can get reasonably fast. Health and fitness is not one of them. At least not over night. It takes a bit of work, and it can be done! I’m living proof. Always a work in progress trying to get just a little bit better every day. So can you! It’s the day-to-day actions we do that will lead to big rewards in time. Those little things that aren’t even noticeable on a daily basis, but they add up and compound over time. And we all have time to do it. To get better, stronger, healthier. We just may need to readjust our schedule.
Slow And Steady Wins The Race In Fitness – My Story
My “Day One” was on April 13, 2003 when I decided to choose to live and feel better. That’s the day I said I am COMMITTING to myself to get fit. I stuck with it for 90 days. Each day I showed up. Many days were tough, but I did it anyway, best I could. Over time I saw little improvements, but nothing major from the day before. It wasn’t until days 30, 60 and 90 that I really noticed things happening. That’s when things started to click. They became a lifestyle that included positive habits and behaviors.
Slow And Steady Wins The Race In Fitness – You Can Too
EVERY DAY from now on ask yourself, “What can I do today to become a little healthier tomorrow?” Remember, slow and steady wins the race! Go do it. And do it the next day and then the next. Just do it!
Here are some ideas that you can put into “slow and steady wins the race” actions:
- Go for a brisk walk for 20 minutes
- Eat 150 less calories at each meal
- Start and commit to a fitness program
- Switch out your favorite salad dressing for fresh salsa to use on your salad. Or make your own salad dressing. It’s super simple!
- Go through one cupboard and throw away any product that has the words “high fructose corn syrup” and DO NOT FEEL GUILTY you are throwing away food. (Don’t donate it either… it’s pure fat on the body). See the Kitchen Makeover.
- Replace one meal (your largest) with Shakeology. Start with 30 days and notice how you feel!
- When I started back in 2003, I had no idea I would be where I am at today. I still pinch myself and acknowledge myself for being consistent and putting myself first. I am grateful to those who inspired me and motivated me along the way. I still work at my health and fitness. Some days are not easy. I still show up though.
By taking “slow and steady wins the race” actions for yourself, out of the clear blue:
- your ailments and injuries will fade
- you’ll be able to have a bit more energy
- your clothing will become looser
- you’ll see muscles appear that you never knew you had
- you’ll be happier
- you’ll be a better parent, friend, family member because you’ll be less grumpy
- you’ll be investing in yourself and improving with age
So many benefits! All I can say is, “You’ll See.” Get in there and take better care of yourself!
Slow And Steady Wins The Race In Fitness – Get Support
If you need more coaching, my help is free and I can help you formulate a plan that is perfect for you and your lifestyle to get results. Day by day with a plan, I will help you with your slow and steady wins the race plan to get results and keep results!
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