Here are some stress relief tips that can help you year round. We have so many sources of stress that it seems impossible to get rid of it. Now I am not sure if all of the stress will ever go away, but here are some great ideas on stress relief tips. Every day we have stressors coming from life, work, workouts and more. Time to let go and let “Calgon take you away!” (an old TV commercial for a bubble bath). Many of these I do when I really need to let go!
Stress Relief Tips – Easy To Do
- Calm Music – Choose music from an iTunes, Pandora or even Spa channel to calm the mind and let the brain almost go into a meditative state.
- Deep Breaths – That lets your mind to focus and stop the worries from happening. Inhale deeply through your nose until your lungs to fill up completely. Then exhale through your nose and empty the lungs.
- Rebel Yell – One way to get it all out is just to scream and yell at the top of your lungs. It’s a great way to just blow off steam and release the tension.
- Something is in the Air – Certain aromas can be very stress relieving, such as peppermint, lavender, sag and chamomile. Use candles, diffusers, essential oils or just make a tea with those herbs!
- LOL – Laughing Out Loud is known to get the endorphins going and say good-bye to stressors for the time being. Whether it’s watching a comedy, going to a comedy club, or just hearing a good joke, it can have a big impact!
- Sleep – Just the simple process of getting a good night’s sleep can have a profound effect on stress.
Journalism – This activity, even if it’s short in duration, is a great stress reliever. Getting negative thoughts or anger out on paper gets it out of your head and creates a calming effect. - Tea – Having herbal teas using the herbs mentioned above is a great stress reliever. Look for the ones labels “calm” or “stress relief”
Stress Relief Tips That Take Some Time Or Practice
- Phone a friend – Typically, connecting with friends and family makes happier people! Hearing their voice is usual;ly comforting and can help you reduce internal stress.
- Tense and Release – Tense the muscles really tight and then let the tension go. Focus on e one muscle group at a time. Start at the top and work your way downward. Neck, shoulders, arms, etc.
- Game Night – Playing a game with family and friend takes your mind off of things causing stress and can make you feel more connected and have a few laughs.
- Take a Hike – Get out and get some fresh air and take a walk. Many times this will give you time to reflect and get a new perspective.
- Hot Bath – While it may not be a whirlpool situation, a hot bath can certainly relax the muscles and allow for a time to unwind.
- Party on Garth – Cranking up the tunes and having a dance party with yourself or friends will get the stress out and make you feel happy, even if you feel a little silly about it! You’ll be in a a great frame of mind!
- Incantations – These and Mantras can change your mental state in an instant. It doesn’t take much. Say them out loud and state them in the positive such as: “I deserve the best in life!” “I am one with the universe!” “I am the voice! I will lead, not follow!” ” I have infinite power and control my own destiny!”
- Exercise – That is at the top of my stress relief tips as this not only gets rid of the stress, but improves the body inside and out. Nothing but benefits here!
- Stretch It Out – Stretching and Yoga have a profound effect on relaxing the muscles and relieving stress. These are two of the stress relieving tips I put into practice myself. Many of our workout programs have one or two stretching/yoga discs.
Stress Relief Tips – Mindset
- Visualization – This helps take you to another place whether tit is real life or only a dream. The mere activity or visualizing a better, less stressful place or state of being can have a dramatic calming effect
- Change your state – While this takes some skill, focusing on the positive in situations can release stress. Let your brain release the stress hormones and let in pleasant, peaceful thoughts.
- Be Happy – Or at least show that you are by smiling. This makes you just feel good and has an infectious effect on others around you.
Stress Relief Tips – Life’s Loving Rewards
- Pets – Animals have a way of calming us humans and making us happy. This in turn helps us relieve stress. It must have to do with the unconditional love they give us!
Don’t let stress get the best of you. Try out several of these stress relief tips and see if they do the trick!
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