Yep, that simple little phrase from our childhood as we played a game galled tag. Most of the time you didn’t want to be “it” unless you had a crush on someone and wanted to try and tag them!
Tagging has taken on new meanings in the Social Media world and I love being Tagged so I’m it!
You see, back in April of 2007 I started a weekly video podcast, that, at the time seemed to have an endless array of topics. It was intended to share my experiences with P90X and Power 90 as well as poke fun at health and fitness.
Well, sustaining a weekly podcast became more and more of a challenge for one reason or another. Still, the feedback I was getting was quite overwhelming and I make a conscious effort each week to have one ready to go. Challenges always present themselves such as time, topic and tech glitches. Still… the feedback, the “fans!” I do it all for the “fans!” OK, that may be over the top.
Anyway, back to tagging. As I dig more and more into social media sites I have been able to share Power Blast Podcast with even more people. On Facebook I even created a… wait for it… YES… a FAN PAGE!! I get to tag myself once a week. I know. Not the idea. Still, I do have special guests n the show from time to time and plan on tagging others.
So, now the podcast can be found on the Power Blast Fitness web site, iTunes, YouTube and Facebook!
Tag me baby! You’re it!
PT out