I got to thinking about different quick, safe weight loss plans I have tried in the past to get my eating and weight back on track, especially after a celebration weekend, long vacation, or when I have let habits slip a bit. I want to share with you what I have tried and those results. If you find yourself in the same boat or are wanting to kick-start a weight loss plan these quick plans may give you the ideal path!
The healthiest and best results I have ever gotten is from Ultimate Reset. This program does take some discipline, but it’s a 21 day eating program. Notice I said EATING and not starving. You get plenty of food here, and you weed out the garbage foods that get in the way. When you are done, you feel incredible and also learn about foods that work for you and against you. I lost 13.5 pounds and dropped my cholesterol 25 points with this program. Lifelong habits came as a result of this program! I plan to do this at least twice a year. Here’s a video that explains more.
This is what many call the [intlink id=”527″ type=”post”]Shakeology 3-Day cleanse[/intlink], but it’s not really a cleanse. It’s more of a calorie restriction using the most nutrient dense calories possible. This was not all that hard and was the tastiest plan I did. It was only 3 days and consisted of 3 shakes a day and a salad with lean protein at night. I lost 7 pounds doing this one.
GOOD RESULTS (but it was hard)
The 2-Day Fast Start Formula was only 2 days long, but it seemed to be an eternity to me. You have 3 shakes a day and that’s it. Each shake is only 110 calories, so your energy is really low. I found myself tired and just wanting to sit around. I felt great the morning of day 3, but was quite hungry and felt like eating a ton. I lost 6 pounds and was ready to jump head into my workout program a little more lean.
While I would like to think that my exercise and eating habits were consistent enough, I find that dong the Ultimate Reset to be the most rewarding and life-changing to get my system back on track. Everyone I have coached through the program so far have had amazing results. Here are some testimonials:?
“I did it!! I just finished the 21 day Ultimate Reset. I lost 14 pounds and 3 inches off my waist. My clothes are baggy all over. I feel absolutely marvelous! My skin looks the best it has in many years. For 28 years I have had night sweats and hot flashes. I have not had either in 2 weeks. What a blessing this program has been to me. I am inspired to continue with a good exercise program and healthy eating.”
Suzanne R“Many meals from the reset are now a part of my regular diet. So glad I did this. I succeeded at completing it and a few days extra! Again HUGE! Yay me! As far as weight loss goes…I’m not sure what to say. I was 165.6 a week before reset…started drinking the mineralized water, eating the meals from the reset book and lost 9 lbs. Officially started the reset at 156.6 lbs and after 25 days lost another 5 lbs. Total 14 lbs. I’m happy with those results and proud of the fact that I followed the plan as laid out and completed it. This truly was a learning experience. ”
Lori J.“Day 14… I have to tell you that I have more energy then I have had in years. I have been working like a crazy woman since last Saturday and I feel wonderful. I wasn’t aware that one of the benefits of this program is improved memory. It is unbelievable! Seriously! I have been concerned about my short term memory for about a year and this week I have noticed a huge improvement. I guess I really needed to cleanse my system and get the sludge out.”
Suzanne R.“On Day 17. I am down 7.8 lbs so far. I am not hungry, I feel good and I feel this is the first time, I have been able to address some of my vices and deal with them appropriately….I now feel I can resist diet coke, coffee, dairy and wine. I just couldn’t break the habit before. Now I feel empowered! As I got older my metabolism has slowed so loosing this much in this short time is fantastic.”
Kathy P.“I am down from 146 to 139. Feeling great and hydrated! After not being much of a water drinker I have now turned into one. I am caffeine free and animal protein free yet at this point. My clarity and energy level is wonderful. No leg pains and minimal back pain, which is great. I really think about what I put into my mouth now. Love having this feeling have being clean!”
Cindy D.“Last they saw me “my relatives” was on Easter. It was raining and I wore a trench coat. As soon as I walked through the door to greet them they noticed from just looking at my face that I lost weight! Wow, I was amazed! I didn’t notice it myself and nobody else that sees me more often had mentioned anything. But they noticed right away. Later I took off my coat they were commenting again on my weight loss….. I now walk around more confident. Thanks to UR!”
“The UR is over and the stats are in: My skin is great and lost 13.5 lbs.”
Beatrice P.“Feeling real good– still losing weight and not feeling deprived! Just tried on a few clothes that haven’t fit in a long time and now fit!
Its nice helping my mom on her journey!”
Dana C.
Let me know if you use any of these and what your results are!
Have a happy and safe week!
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