Whether you are a Beachbody Coach or in another network marketing company, you should learn the simple basics so that you can commit them to habit or memory. While some of the tips below are specific for a Beachbody Coach to learn and do, I will make reference on how you can apply them for any home based business you may have.
Network marketing takes work. But it works with persistence and commitment and taking massive action. It may take some time to grow your business as most people do this on a very part time basis. But just like health and fitness, you need to take action and do a little bit each day. Over time you can build an empire whether you are looking for a little extra spending cash or something more like firing your boss and working from home. Network marking and Being a Beachbody Coach can be so rewarding, empowering, provide residual income and allow you time freedom and working with people you enjoy!
Beachbody Coach Business Tips
- Use your products and be on monthly autoship. For whatever reason this is sometimes forgotten or ignored and it is so vital. You need to be a product of your own product. That means, if you are a Beachbody Coach, you need to be on Shakeology monthly autoship. Your body and business will thank you!
- Constantly improve your mind. Learn new things. This is Personal Development. This will declutter your mind of negative thinking and provide fuel for the brain. Choose an empowering book to read. Strive for 10 pages, just 10 a day. Won’t take long. Or listen to amazing audio books from your car. Make it a Drive Time University! This is a must and there are so many ways to fuel and empower yourself!
- Train yourself on your company’s system. Every company has a system for sharing their companies products and services. As a Beachbody Coach should first go through the 7 Day Quick Start with their sponsor and then dig into the basics of the Coach Training Academy.
- Spend time with your sponsor, or their sponsor to help you get the knowledge, support and and answer any questions you may have. Their goal is to help you succeed!
- Share and Invite. You need to present your products or opportunity on a daily basics. Your role should be helping people get educated and understand. You are not to be sales or pushy. I know for a beginning Beachbody Coach it can be challenging to detach yourself from the outcome. But you need to. All you want to do is provide education and understanding. That’s all. Invite a person to participate in a fitness challenge group. Help them choose the ideal program for their goals. If they are not ready, support them anyway and help them from where they are at.
- Learn about Social Media as much as possible. This is a way to educate and help more people outside your circle of influence. Whether it’s using Facebook, Instagram, or others, choose 3 social media platforms to get really good at and then branch out to others. Social media is HUGE. There are literally endless amounts of people you can connect to right from your own home! Chalene Johnson is a social media Expert! She has built an incredible brand via the internet and knows how to make people feel connected to her before they even meet her! Here is a training she did for Beachbody Coaches at our annual Summit. Her tips will apply to any business. Check out this video from the Beachbody Coach Summit.
- Focus on your customers needs and master communication. Give your customers incredible value. Give, give give. Give more than they expect. Be a good listener. There are great personal development books on being a great communicator. Strive to be interested in your customer/client instead of trying to be interesting and full of knowledge. ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONS. “Tell me more about that.” is a great way to dig deeper into your prospect’s needed and goals. Strive to listen 80% of the time, and talk only 20%. Another tip: Always ask for referrals. This leads to business growth and people love to share with you if you are creating value for them.
- Brand yourself. Find your niche. Who are those people that relate to you and connect to you most? For me, it’s those people who think life has slipped by in their 30s and it’s too late to get back their youth. I specifically reach our to a large, yet targeted niche of people to help. Close your eyes and visualize that person, why are they hurting? What struggles do they have? What is holding them back? What results do they need/want? If you want to earn 6 figures or more in your Beachbody Coach business (or network marketing business), you are going to need to brand yourself as that go to person for that person. Reaching out to everyone is too diluted. Stay focused and targeted and you will attract those people looking for what you have to offer.
- Set goals. And don’t just think them. You must have goals in writing (not typed) and they must be posted. Then reverse engineer your goals to chip away at them in bite-sized chunks. Look at the large goal and identify what are 2-3 small things I can do today to reach a benchmark by the end of the month, so I can reach my goal by the dealing I have set. Be sure your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-stamped with a deadline! They become concrete and real, instead of just dreams.
- Keep it simple. OK, if you must use the KISS thing, go ahead. Make your Beachbody Coach or network marketing business as simple as possible. Have a business schedule you show up to every day and use the system and the tools. Then learn new things once you have your business streamlined. Don’t try and do everything all at once.
- Take Massive Action. This is a BONUS TIP and it’s the most important. You must DO STUFF. Get out there. Blog, invite, share, connect. Your business is useless if you are learning things but never put it into action. You will make mistakes. That is OK. It takes practice. Connect with your leaders and role play. This is the number one secret ingredient to your business! It is ACTION! Knowledge is useless without action.
Next Steps For The Beachbody Coach Or Any Entrepreneur
So, what are you going to do next? Are you ready to follow these simple tips and watch your business systematically grow over time? Or are you going to skip steps and just do the ones you are most comfortable with? Are you going to take action? Invite? Get on Autoship? Learn as much as you can through small doses of Personal Development? Or are you going to let life take over and squash your dreams?
If you have a serious passion to grow a business by helping others while you take charge of your own health and fitness, then seriously consider becoming a Beachbody Coach on my team. We have all of the tools, tips and systems in place to help you become a successful entrepreneur.
Use these tips and you will be rocking and rolling your Beachbody Coach business or your home network marketing business. Follow these steps and you will certainly be on your way to healthy, wealthy and wise!Here’s To Your Health – It’s Never Too Late
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Perry Tinsley
Skype: perrytinsley
Email: Perry@PutYourselfFirst.com
“I Help People Get Results With Their Health And Fitness Goals”
PS: Check out these 5 Free Health & Fitness Videos To Get Your Health Back
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