Take a look around. Better yet, don’t! You’ll see them. Treats are everywhere! You weren’t even hungry for them until you saw the peanut butter balls on the table in the lounge. “Oh, wow! Somebody brought in an assortment of holiday cookies they made over the weekend!” “Hey! We just got a care package from Aunt Marge. Homemade Fudge! Her specialty!”
Sound familiar?
I know. It’s super hard. Once some of those sweet delights hit your tongue and you savor the holiday flavor, gulp and it’s in your belly. You reach for another. I hear it’s a chemical in the brain that makes us keep craving the sugar rush, but my taste buds tell me they are in charge. Regardless, it’s a challenge to stay on track during the holidays. It’s so easy to say, “well, that’s what New Years resolutions are for, so, just one more Russian tea cake!”
Here’s a few things that have helped me get through the holidays with all the goodies around and pressure to taste at least one.
- Avoid the lounge/lunchroom if you can. I know, it’s not social. But you worked hard and it’s only for a few weeks. Take a walk around the building, or pop in some chewing gum before you go in the break room.
- If you must treat yourself because you know denying yourself will make the cravings escalate (hope that’s not giving you and excuse), then just have a taste or cut a little piece instead of eating the whole treat. I actually like to find alternatives to fill the sweet tooth cravings like making a thin paste with Chocolate Shakeology and drizzling it on bananas, strawberries, apples, or cherries. I also love dipping a banana into PB2 powder!
- Fill up on water. You’ve been religiously drinking it throughout the day, right? Take an extra big gulp before walking by the treat table. Or, have a cup of green tea or holiday tea in your to go cup!
- When someone is giving you the guilt trip of trying a small taster, just respond, “I appreciate you for offering and I’m sure they are great. I’ve been working really hard on my fitness and am on a roll toward my goal. I really want to stay on track. I am grateful for your support to reach them so I know you’ll understand if I decline this year!” Not only does this acknowledge all your hard work, but it sets a great example for the other person and will secretly impress them! OR graciously accept the treat and that you’re not hungry at the moment, but will take it home to enjoy later. Then take the treat home in a baggie and share it with the rest of the family or a friend.
- Stress eating is huge this time of year and it is so easy to mindlessly pop in bite after bite. Be sure to get as much sleep as possible. Truly, this helps a ton! It also helps to take your Immune Boost.
- Heading to holiday parties? Challenge yourself to over do it on raw veggies and fruit. Seriously, go for it. That stuff is always left over anyway, so get plate after plate. Skip that high fat ranch dressing dip though!!
- Workout! For sure get in a half or full workout every day. Your body needs this as much as sleep and water!
- Get an accountability buddy. There are loads of us on Team Beachbody. That’s how I keep myself accountable!
There are more tips, I’m sure, but ones that came to mind at the moment. Honestly, when Jan 1 hits, you will feel so empowered at making it through the holidays feeling energized, happy and free of guilt and regret. DON’T WAIT on this! Get a workout program and start today!
Happy Holidays!
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