Ultimate Reset Results and Testimonials
Here are Ultimate Reset results and testimonials from this past October where 20 people joined us on an amazing journey to get “lean and clean by Halloween.” It was great timing for many of us needing to give our bodies a break from all of the fun and fanfare of summer festivities. I know for some, it was the first time ever that they gave their bodies a chance to detox and cleanse. These Ultimate Reset results and testimonials will no doubt impress you and want you to be getting Ultimate Reset for your health and body.
Ultimate Reset Results and Testimonials – The Challenges
Everyone followed the Ultimate Reset 21-day plan which included recipes and supplements. Many of these people used the vegan Shakeology meal replacement shake for their breakfast.
The journey along the way was easy for some and challenging for others as you will see in these Ultimate Reset results and testimonials. Some felt incredible throughout the process and others noticed aches and pains in the initial stages. Some found all of the recipes to be incredible and now make these meals as a part of their regular eating routine, while others discovered foods they will never try again. Some couples and families found a stronger bond and connection as they prepared meals together, while others battled over kitchen space.
No matter what the experience along the journey, everyone agreed that this was fantastic for their bodies and that they learned so much along the way. You will no doubt get that vibe from the testimonials listed below.
Ultimate Reset Results and Testimonials – Get Your Own Results!
This is a great time of year to get your own Ultimate Reset results, especially following the Thanksgiving Weekend. While I like to think most of my readers here keep the holiday eating and calories under control, it’s nice to have a backup plan to lean out, lose weight and feel great. A much better plan than waiting until the new year where many people are gaining the typical holiday 10 pounds, feeling awful and beating themselves up about it.
Ultimate Reset Results and Testimonials – What People Are Saying!
Read these testimonials and you’ll understand what Reset can do for you!
Pounds lost: 15
Inches lost: 4 3/4
Cholesterol Change: dropped 46 points
Highlights: More energy, slept better, learned how to put the fork down after a bite and chewed it thoroughly and continuing the 21 day supplements.
Pounds Lost: 11.7
Highlights: I learned a lot about how vegan meals can be very satisfying and actually make you feel good. Also learned that my system doesn’t like dairy even though I love milk. I am much more aware of what I eat now and am making healthier choices.
Pounds Lost: 12.2
Inches Lost: 2″ from waist.
Highlights: Lost another 2 lbs after reset. Opened my eyes to new foods and have stopped drinking dairy, coffee/caffeine since it does not agree with me.
Pounds Lost: 12
Inches Lost: 1.5 inches off waist
Highlights: Was easier the second time around because I knew what to expect and loved many recipes already. The fact I did not have any caffeine since first Reset was very helpful!
Pounds Lost: 6
Inches Lost: 2 inches off waist
Highlights: I felt better this time around. I slept hard. I was alert in the morning without coffee. And my body overall feels better with plant-based protein. My skin was soft and eyes bright. I have overall calmness. It’s easier now to stay away from sugar as I don’t have the cravings any more.
Pounds lost: 9.2 lbs
Highlights: More energy, sleep better,just noticed that I had no hot flashes while on my reset, didn’t miss caffeine like I thought I would, eating better and paying attention to what I’m putting in my mouth!!
Pounds Lost: 10.5
Highlights of doing Reset: the small adjustments in my eating habits that will most likely a) stay with me and b) make my next workout phase more successful!
Pounds lost: 19.2 Inches I do not know but everything I have is way loose now.
Highlights: Pants are good 2-3 inches to big and belt down 2 notches and even had to punch a new hole in one of my belts
Pounds Lost 11 pounds
Inches Lost 8 inches (4 on my waist-Yipee!)
Highlights: I am regular -no more laxitives-for the first time in years, I’m going to keep the vegetarian lifestyle Monday-Friday, have fish and chicken on the weekends. I’m very thankful for the support of the Reset group.
Pounds Lost: 13 ( 17 now)
Highlights: Eating WAY better, more energy, I was never a big coffee drinker to begin with but no coffee or caffeine since doing the reset. Heartburn/acid reflux is gone also!!
Pounds Lost: 8
Highlights: I can’t believe I’m saying this but tempeh, beets, and kale are now staples in my diet & I actually love them all! Even though I’m not staying this way I’ve been vegan all this week since. By far the biggest win for me was the recipes & meal plans – it expanded my clean eating variety.
Pounds Lost: 21
Inches Lost: 13.5
Highlights: Let me start with the weight, I lost 21 lbs, yes a big 21 🙂 then I have to say that I lost an overall of 13.5 inches during the reset, another yeayyyy, and finally I have to say that what blowed me away was my bod pod result, I LOST 5.5% OF BODY FAT IN JUST 21 DAYS… that is wonderful, that makes for a total of 10.7% of body fat lost in the last 13 weeks. And let me tell you that my LEAN BODY WEIGHT RIGHT NOW IS 139 LBS so in the words of the nutritionist “you lost only .063% of lean mass so you lost pretty much just fat during this last 3 weeks” so so so proud of myself 🙂 those are the measurable stats but check this out, I have recovered confidence in myself, my skin glows and my smile goes from one ear to the other, I am so focus and energetic 24 hrs a day that it seems unbelievable. I have recovered all my senses (olfatory, auditive, visual and my alertness is so enhance that is very hard for me to describe how good it feels. During this last couple of weeks I have learned to measure and portion out my food and to control my cravings while cooking I got my discipline back and I followed all the schedule to the T and I have to say that I never cheated or even thought about getting out of the set rules and instructions. This works, it does! If you commit yourself and keep yourself accountable for all your decisions you will get great results just like me.
Ultimate Reset Results and Testimonials – It’s Your Turn
You have read the Ultimate Reset results and testimonials. These are just the people who participated in our October Challenge. There are many, many more Ultimate Reset results and testimonials we have from past groups we have done. These groups are support groups to help keep each other motivated, to ask questions, and to share the journey! You will have that support too! We want you to get results and have the support and also have free coaching.
So what do you want? To feel great? Get Lean? Lose Weight? Feel amazing? Lower your cholesterol? De-bloat and detox from the holiday? Whatever the case, you can get your own Ultimate Reset results here.
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