After Burn Workout Effect? Is There Such A Thing?
The after burn workout effect is something that comes from HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training programs. These programs are unique from others in that they consist of both short and long intervals consisting of low, moderate, and high intensity. Because of the demand on the body, you should only consider high intensity interval training if you are in excellent physical shape although this would make an excellent goal if you have just started to work out.

Overview of the “After Burn Workout Effect”
There are several factors associated with different HIIT programs, which is what I want to focus on in this article. For one thing, you would have the opportunity to choose from several actual programs, all developed by leading experts in the field of fitness. Keep in mind that while all of these programs work in much the same way, there are unique differences. For this reason, it would be important for you to research any programs of interest whether Les Mills Combat, Insanity, Turbo Fire, or something else.
What is the EPOC Effect?
As mentioned, for any high intensity interval training program chosen you would need to be in excellent physical condition and follow workout instructions accordingly. However, because all HIIT programs are hardcore, meaning they push the body to the limit, a common phenomenon known as the EPOC effect occurs. In reality, this is something that happens to anyone involved in a strenuous activity.
What happens is that during a high energy workout the body experiences an oxygen deficit. As a result, a person starts to gasp for air as the body tries to rebalance itself. What people do not realize is that the EPOC effect continues even after the activity has ceased. In fact, the level of oxygen used by the body afterwards is at a higher level than usual for quite some time.
If you get involved with high intensity interval training, the EPOC effect is not something to fear just respect. In fact, there are several benefits associated with this effect to include the following:
- Balances hormones
- Replenishes stored fuel
- Repairs at the cellular level
- Boosts metabolism

Key Factors to Consider With The After Burn
You should also learn about the after burn workout effect, which is associated with HIIT type training as well. With this, calories are still being burned even though the exercise has stopped. It is important to note that high intensity workouts produce a greater after burn effect than low intensity programs. As part of this is energy expenditure, which is the amount of calories burned in total or in other words, the amount of energy your body uses while going through an intense workout session.
Another thing to understand about Turbo Fire, Les Mills Combat, and Insanity, among other high intensity interval training programs is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic workouts. In talking about aerobic exercise, this entails slow paces and long distances. For example, biking, swimming, and running are all forms of aerobic exercise. On the other hand, anaerobic exercise involves workouts that focus on power, strength, and speed, something found with weight lifting and HIIT programs.

Components of Exercise
There are actually three components of exercise associated with the expenditure of energy. The first relates to calories burned during the workout but the other two, which consist of calories burned after exercise and the contribution of lactic acid in connection with exercise are the two of which the after burn effect is comprised. I also want to point out that as far as standard cardio, the level of after burn effect is very minimal but for high intensity interval training programs (like Insanity, Combat, and Turbo Fire) the level would be much greater.
This means that choosing one of the HIIT programs to push your body to an entirely new level of fitness offers the additional benefit of the after burn effect. You have the ability through this type of workout to burn fat and calories but also tone and tighten muscles. However, because the degree of the after burn effect is so great with high intensity interval training, you still benefit once the workout has stopped. Obviously, this is not a benefit you would get from a conventional workout program.

Even if you have only recently started to work out, it would be beneficial for you to set your sights on reaching a level of fitness that allows you to perform HIIT training. Remember, these programs have the ability to transform the body on the outside but then because of the EPOC effect they also benefit overall health.
After Burn Workout Effect Programs
For more information check out these programs to get those after burners to kick in!
Here’s To Your Health – It’s Never Too Late
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Perry Tinsley
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