Using a Weekly Meal Planner Template for Weight Loss and Good Health
Whether trying to lose unwanted weight, maintain a current weight loss, or even remain fit and healthy, a weekly meal planner template would prove extremely beneficial. Although there are a number of challenges associated with diet and exercise, one in particular that most people struggle with is planning. After all, most people have busy lives, making it nearly impossible to get organized.
In truth, many people make meal planning far more complicated than it should be. Of course, there would be several things to consider such as grocery shopping for appropriate foods, preparation time, and storage while focusing on good nutrition and weight loss, all things that require time and attention. However, thanks to free and paid templates found online, meal planning does not need to be difficult.
The more a person plans the easier it is to lose weight and stay healthy. Therefore, even if someone had to spend a little money for the right template, it would be a worthwhile investment. In fact, with regular use, using a weekly meal planner template for planning and preparing food would quickly become second nature. Think how valuable your time is when you want to get results!
Weekly Meal Planner Template Special Considerations
While there are some basic weekly meal planner templates that would work, I recommend looking for one with some degree of flexibility or a template specific to the type of diet an individual needs. As an example, some downloadable templates can be customized but in addition, there are actual templates for a specific diet program, vegetarian diet, diabetes diet, and so on.
Because there are numerous types of meal planners, an individual should spend time to look around. Again, most of these templates are free whereas some can be downloaded at no cost but only after paying a membership fee to the site. A perfect example of an excellent weekly meal planner template comes from Team Beachbody. This particular planner is ideal since it offers support not only for weight loss but also optimal fitness.
Because the Team Beachbody weekly meal planner template is ranked as one of the best, I wanted to use it for sake of example of what a weekly meal planner should provide. Some of the key benefits for this particular tool have been listed below.
The planner can be fully customized based on goal but also nutritional requirements
The planner, as well as menus and shopping lists can be completed online and then printed for convenient use
Weekly Meal Planner Template By Team Beachbody:
The Team Beachbody Meal Planner is loaded with abundant features, making it easier than ever before to lose weight and get into shape
Using the Meal Plan Wizard, a person would have the option of choosing from known diet and fitness plans or creating one. The available plans from which an individual could choose include:

Balanced Slim Down – Also referred to as a 40/30/30 program, this meal plan is based on 40% of calories coming from healthy carbohydrates, 30% from protein, and another 30% from fats, perfect for weight loss or improved energy
Low-Carb Express – Someone eager to drop unwanted pounds would choose this program, which consists of healthy foods that boost metabolism and regulate blood sugar levels to prevent cravings
Power Vegetarian – For the person who lives a vegetarian lifestyle but still wants to burn fat, have more energy, build lean muscle, and provide the body with good nutrition, this plan is excellent.
Active Lifestyle – The perfect choice for someone with a healthy lifestyle and rigorous workout regimen due to energy promoting carbs and muscle building proteins
Extra Benefits From This Weekly Meal Planner Template
Again using Team Beachbody as an example, I want to point out that in addition to the weekly meal planner template, a person would have the opportunity to benefit from a number of extra features found on the company website. As an example, there are many wonderful and well-balanced recipes, nutrition tips and tools, weight loss smoothies, supplement information and products, and different types of fitness equipment and gear such as agility ladder, barbell set, speed rope, Beachbody Workout DVDs, stability ball, medicine ball, and much more.
Weekly Meal Planner Template Summary
Instead of being challenged when trying to lose or maintain weight, an individual could choose from any number of weekly planning templates available online. With this, planning delicious but also nutritionally sound meals would be a breeze. While there are a number of excellent options, the meal planner and extra features found on the Beachbody website are considered by experts as being among the best.
Support is the big key to weight loss and good health. You can have all the tools, but often you need that coach or mentor to check in with. That is what Team Beachbody offers as a part your membership. You get a free Team Beachbody Coach to help you stay motivated, ask questions and get results. You can get your free Team Beachbody account just by filling out a simple form. Then you will have access to many of the site’s features!
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