SO…. Which Type Of Decision Maker Are You?
Today is a day that you’re going to make a decision.
You see, there are four types of individuals I coach who start a health and fitness program.
Right now you’re going to make a decision on who you are going to be moving forward.
Which type of decision maker are you and who do you want to be?
Because it really doesn’t matter who you have been or what has happen to you in the past.
The thing that matters is how you respond, how you think and behave and believe from this point forward.
So let me explain the people who join my health and fitness challenges.
Which Type Of Decision Maker Are You:
Type 1
The first type are the people who are defeated before they even begin.
These are the people that want to get results. Know they need to get results, but have the mindset that this is probably not going to work. I don’t like to exercise. I can’t find the time. I feel like a dork. I will probably end up quitting. I can picture it already, yet again a program that didn’t work for me.
These are people who are defeated before they even decided to start.
Type 2
The second type of individual is the all or nothing person. The perfectionist. A person who never gets started until they have researched every component of the program. They compare against every review out there even though proof is right in front of them. This person reaches out asking for more advice, more advice and more advice over the simplest of decisions because they are so afraid of making a mistake. A lot of times it’s procrastination. Everything has to be “just right” and then some!
This type of person has everything they need to succeed except for belief that they can success and that it’s OK to struggle and have humbling failures along the way! Believe that things will fall into place once they get started. People who are afraid to just pull the trigger and get started for fear they will make a mistake and fail. There is no failing… only learning when you trust the process and move forward one day at a time.
Type 3
The third type is a bouncer. A person who starts a fitness program or eating plan and then bounces to something different. This happens over and over. Could be another program, or some other activity altogether. This type of person might dig into a program, but do it their own way without following the plan. It’s the type of person that starts one program and then sees somebody doing a different program and wonders, “Should I be doing that instead?”
So this person bounces all around starting, but never completing things. Then wonders why results don’t come.
I have seen “reformed” bouncers eventually realize the only way to make progress, was to follow a plan and trust the process. Be a FINISHER!
So You Bouncers Out There….Decide today! Decide today that you’re actually going to follow a program, stick to the plan and finish. Put it out there. Comment below with something like, “Hi Perry! I am reformed Bouncer and I am going to Stick to the Plan and FINISH STRONG!”
Type 4
The fourth type is the type that wins. The finishers. The people who start and do their best to complete. Even if they get sidetracked a bit due to illness or something like that. These are people who may be scared to start a health and fitness challenge. But despite their fear, they fight through it. They fight through the soreness or the food prepping. These people walk the walk. They show up and do the work. Even when their brain tells them they are too tired, or just don’t wanna workout. They aren’t doing it to win big money in the Beachbody Challenge. They do it because they know they need to be healthy and fit. They know that life is better because of it. They know they have a better chance of beating off illness and diseases when they are healthy and fit. They just want to win this war on obesity, because they know at the end of the day, it’s about choice.
Which type of decision maker are you?
What choices will you make?
Make a decision.
I want to hear from you!
Comment below!
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Here’s To Your Health – It’s Never Too Late
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Perry Tinsley
Skype: perrytinsley
Email: Perry@PutYourselfFirst.com
“I Help People Get Results With Their Health And Fitness Goals”
PS: Check out these 5 Free Health & Fitness Videos To Get Your Health Back
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