Why do you really want to get fit?
Have you ever had that question asked and then you give a cliche answer?
Most of the time I hear:
- More Energy
- Lose weight/ X number of pounds
- Set an example for my kids
- My doctor said I needed to lose some weight
- I am pre diabetic or have diabetes
- My knees are getting sore
- I want to lead a healthy life
- I want to tone up a bit
I think all of those are great, but they really don’t dig deep into “why” so that a person will show up and workout no matter what. Especially on those days when it was a “long day at work” or “I didn’t sleep well” or “I am so sore from yesterday’s workout” or… Well, you get the idea!
I tell you what. I think many people have the answer their head, but don’t say out loud. Many times we say one WHY, but really mean a different one. One that is bigger. One that needs to be shared, told and written.
Why Do You Really Want To Get Fit?
Many times the WHY turns out to be something superficial. For vanity. Not always, but many times. At least at the beginning.
Examples may include:
- Look HOT at a wedding, reunion, vacation, etc
- Get six pack abs
- Feel good in smaller clothing
- I want to stop feeling fat/looking fat
- I want to play with my kids/grandkids again and am sick and tired of watching on the sidelines
- I want to feel confident at the beach
- I want to look hot going on a date
- I want to feel attractive, confident
- I want to be happy and do things (biking, rock climbing, skiing, dog walking)
- I am too cute to be fat.
I know for me, back in 2002, I got a home fitness program because it looked like something I could do and I wanted to “get in shape” Well, my why was not deep and I did not commit to what was needed to get in shape. So I stopped the program and got fatter. It was a whole year later and another pant size gained that I decided to give it another whirl. But this time was different. I did it because “I wanted to lose my beer gut and PROVE to myself I could do it. I wanted to see if it worked. I wanted to see if I could commit to exercise for 90 days would make a difference.” That was it. Just to “prove it to myself!”
Thing is, along the way, you hope to learn something. Something sustainable. Something that becomes a lifestyle! That’s when consistency happens. It goes beyond the vanity stuff… kind of! I mean.. you still like looking good, feeling confident, having energy and being your awesome self. But you begin to realize things.
Aches and pains go away, your body seems more resistant to colds and flu, you you are a happier person, you are inspiring others, and the list goes on and on. But those aren’t the reasons why you workout. Usually it is something more tangible in a short period of time. My hope for you is that you build in sustainable habits along the way. Yes… SUSTAINABLE, LIFELONG Habits (unlike short term unhealthy options like diet pills, risky surgeries and crazy drops). Healthy lifestyle behaviors like healthy eating and structured exercise. The stuff we always are taught and know works.

Why Do You Really Want To Get Fit?
SO Let’s Get Down To It!
Write down 5 reasons “WHY?” you want to begin a new and healthy lifestyle (or enhance the one you’re already on). Then take the top 3 and expand on them. Ask why you want to to achieve that. Put your heart and soul into explaining the reasons. Be serious, honest and DIG DEEP. Then, write your WHY on cards and post them everywhere. On your fridge, your bathroom mirror, in your car, at near your office computer. Even make a copy for my wallet to carry with you!
Why is your why so important? You will have times where you will struggle, doubt, have slip ups, fall off the wagon, have family commitments, be exhausted, beat yourself up, feel deflated, get sick, etc.
Your WHY will keep you on track!
When you feel like quitting. You go back to WHY!
That’s why I am telling you. You need to have a POWERFUL WHY!
Now that you have your Why.. are you ready to do something about it?
Your Solution For Why Do You Really Want To Get Fit?
I have a solution that will get you the results to make your why become a reality!
Here’s To Your Health – It’s Never Too Late
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Perry Tinsley
Skype: perrytinsley
Email: Perry@PutYourselfFirst.com
“I Help People Get Results With Their Health And Fitness Goals”
PS: Check out how to get lean abs and still have Pizza Night! My Free Video Series at AbsAreMade.com
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